M/ELT (research group)
M/ELT (Modernist/Experimental Literature and Text-Art) started in 2011 as an interdisciplinary reading group that focused on workshopping essays and chapters by graduate students. Papers have ranged in topic through experimental poetics, postcolonial literature, speculative philosophy, digital literature and the 20th century novel.
At our peak (Spring 2014) we held five events in a quarter that included three graduate students and two visits by professors from off campus, Arne DeBoever (CalArts) and Jessica Lewis Luck (CSUSB).
M/ELT has also hosted visits by poets Rae Armantrout and Charles Bernstein, scholars such as Daniel Tiffany (USC), Liz Kotz (UCR), and Jeremy Douglass (UCSB), scholar-artists such as Nick Montfort (MIT) and William Poundstone and a symposium of Los Angeles poets, Blacktop Ecologies.
For a brief time, M/ELT maintained a website for local events and stories of interest.