July 14, 2003

Screeds R Us

I used to have a saying that the one thing net artists can never make is a mirror. But I guess this is close (remember to type your search string in backwards):



Another mirror, for "poetry bloggers" only, is provided by Jim Behrle.

The ULTIMATE mirror site, though, as I've just discovered is the following, which creates instant bile-ridden reviews of your favorite rock albums. Though it doesn't rate with pornolize.com for sheer linguistic exhuberance, the grammar is impeccable:

I despise you and your so-called taste

Posted by Brian Stefans at July 14, 2003 11:33 AM | TrackBack

A variable leads a simple life, full of activity but quite short (measured in nanoseconds, usually). It all begins when the program finds a variable declaration, and a variable is born into the world of the executing program. There are two possible places where the variable might live, but we will venture into that a little later.

Posted by: Dolora at January 18, 2004 09:05 PM

This variable is then used in various lines of code, holding values given it by variable assignments along the way. In the course of its life, a variable can hold any number of variables and be used in any number of different ways. This flexibility is built on the precept we just learned: a variable is really just a block of bits, and those bits can hold whatever data the program needs to remember. They can hold enough data to remember an integer from as low as -2,147,483,647 up to 2,147,483,647 (one less than plus or minus 2^31). They can remember one character of writing. They can keep a decimal number with a huge amount of precision and a giant range. They can hold a time accurate to the second in a range of centuries. A few bits is not to be scoffed at.

Posted by: Petronella at January 18, 2004 09:06 PM

When a variable is finished with it's work, it does not go into retirement, and it is never mentioned again. Variables simply cease to exist, and the thirty-two bits of data that they held is released, so that some other variable may later use them.

Posted by: Jane at January 18, 2004 09:06 PM