Look Who Else Failed the Blake Test...

Do you believe this garbage? It “says nothing to me about my life” (the “Morrissey Test”) –- and it doesn't even rhyme! I would never buy this in a book:


This one doesn't rhyme or scan -- what a load of horse poopy! What did Rob Grenier write about singing from the diaphragm? We should send this guy back to Argentina! Send all of them back!


This one doesn’t even appear to be in American. It’s just numbers! And what is a “Carlo” anyway??? And why "Dill"? Modernism hasn’t been any good in twenty years. Something there is that doesn’t wub-a-dub:


What is this, some kind of f*cking joke? I don't even think he wrote this! Olson would sue! Rachel Blau DuPlessis would sue! Google would sue! (I had to use my back button to get out of this one.)


Maybe this whole poetry thing isn't for me after all. I think I'll stick to pointing video cameras at skyscrapers and playing my iPod too loud in church. It’s all so confusing, so... demanding -- if only Robert Lowell hadn’t ruined it all by putting his lines in a book!

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