August 25, 2004



This one just came down through the Net Art pipe, a new data-driven piece by the creator of They Rule and some members of Greenpeace. From the blurb:

"Like They Rule, Exxonsecrets allows visitors to create interactive, expandable maps of organizations and individuals, but here is focused and concentrated on a more specific set! of data - the financial connections between Exxon-Mobile and attempts to discredit the theory of human induced global warming."

Exxon Secrets

Posted by Brian Stefans at 02:18 PM

August 23, 2004

Song of the Marked Man (after Pound)

Summer 2004 . . .
Too long . . .
Vietnam ! ? !

Posted by Brian Stefans at 06:29 PM



Posted by Brian Stefans at 06:28 PM

August 21, 2004

Frances Chung's Booklist (2000)

Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2000 10:52:53 -0500
Reply-To: UB Poetics discussion group
Sender: UB Poetics discussion group
From: "Stefans, Brian"
Subject: Frances Chung's booklist
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

                     Hi, Anselm.
                       First, let
                     me try to say: the game, thinking
                  in diversity, our bewilderment detracts
              "down on yourself" the best
         shot as the words portend—as split in
    All.  (I've been relatively
   quiet on this.)  WHAT THE
  NAME? The site
  is named
      as a nod

                                    to the...
                               THE SELECTED
                            POEMS OF FEDERICO
                          GARCIA LORCA,
                         ed. Francisco Garcia
                        Lorca, and what is
                     at stake when I talk
                   about success in relation
                to experimental poetry. Obviously,
           I am not talking about Economic
    Donald M. Allen (various translators),
  PICTURE BRIDE, concept of proxemics in human

             "proximate communications,"
                   oral communications,
                          Kapital, even
                                    though this
                                           is in fact
                                                 by contained
                                            e.g., body

                       & context.
                     That remote communications
                  such as recordings or textual communications
              do not have, cannot have,
         the hope of the very small minority
    of experimentalist poets in
   the form of grants, issues
  aside from

                               with Internet
                            (as some sort
                          of transcendent
                         medium) deserves
                        serious skepticism
                     when placed, in the
                   hundreds of thousands
                of dollars, or in the endive
           tunnel (location prefigured in
    Tron) who, returning no e-mails,
  in such a light. Such a light? CATHY SONG,

           NO MORE MASKS!
             AN ANTHOLOGY
                OF POEMS BY
                   Jacques, Patrick
                          and others.
                                    Please understand
                                           that when Mark
                                                or John also
                                                 gives us opportunity
                                                 for discovering
                                               the positive
                                            (there's? "choose

                     to post
                       to the List")
                     they are doing the sale of
                  personal papers and correspondance (an
              unusual example would SO, only
         speaking for themselves), I think of always
    the tension, the conflict.
   The name "proximate"
  is also a pun
  on intimacy
   on the

                                    as in
                               a proxy
                            mate. We all
                          know sex: lot
                         of the commentary
                        on the subject of
                     "the APG" (really she's
                   in history the moment
                they diversify into BE... say,
           Ginsberg's selling his papers to
    Columbia for a million WOMEN... ed.
  Florence Howe and Ellen Bass). THE has to

           do more with
             how the APG
                has been viewed
                   based upon
                          NEW AMERICAN
                                    POETRY, 1945-1960.
                                           Ed. Donald
                                                M. Allen. THE
                                                 VOICE? wingdings
                                                 as the beatbox
                                               track chimes
                                            in austrian

                       in dollars.
                     But the fact that anyone reading
                  this post would feel that, is GREAT.
              Within us? AMERICAN POETRY
         OF THE TWENTIETH CENTURY., ed. Hayden
   (POEMS 1925-1970), Pablo
  Neruda, all
   with the
      idea of

                            from mainly
                          two people
                         than it does with
                        the APG as a heavy
                     bastard on the beach
                   ball fired from a canon,
                communitas in the cloisters
           commingling with trismagistus, swathing
    their heads, being any possible
  financial renumeration for experimental writing

           would only
                The extent
                   to which the
                          game of poetry
                                    is one of _loser
                                           wins_, it will
                                                always be an
                                                 game in text
                                               and a battle
                                            of rhetorics

                     such inasmuch
                       as it functions
                     by the *inversion* of the
                  principles organizing sells, especially
              on the internet. The internet
         seems to be used as an actual group of
    individual people, but I'm going
   to give my (that the corsair
      play) take

                                    on some
                               of the questions
                            Brian (so Brian
                          Eno: "fuck-a
                         dis, fuck- dat,"
                        sometimes thoughtful
                     people are) confined
                   to wheelchairs in memory
                for the seven reasons punk died.
           Plastered to proxy for human contact
    and proximal communication, which
  gives me, asked, regarding the APG: the APG

           does the business
                that cultural
                          exists fundamentally
                                    as WHEN THE
                                           FREEWAY AGAIN,
                                                ANONYMOUS WITH
                                                 A SEVENTY GALLON
                                                 HAIRCUT, SOMETIMES
                                               BRAS, Ed., trans.,
                                            Ben Belitt., and

                       SPLENDOR. Ed.
                     Wu-chi Liu and Irving Yucheng
                  Pause. Such an intuition adds to what
              I sense as a sort of growing
         desperation for real, physical human
    contact, particularly in America,
   with everyone it is as
  severely restricted
  as exp
      is, a

                               for producers.
                            Which, however,
                          is not to say
                         that LOW COLD MOUNTAIN,
                        100 POEMS BY THE
                     T'ANG POET HAN-SHAN.
                   trans. Burton Watson, or
           trans. Arthur Waley, lead the world
    of alternative poetry and the world
  of business, and not CH'ING-CHAO: COMPLETE

           POEMS. trans.
             Kenneth Rexroth
                and Ling Chung.
                          The alternative
                                    poetry world,
                                           whatever else
                                                it is, is a
                                                 social space
                                               in which agents—poets—

                                            working on
                    him- or
                       herself, never
                     time for affection, only time
                  for status, career, a new car. Such
              use of energy may be at odds
         with a not-have-an-agenda, other than
    providing an opportunity for
  (trans. Cecilia
  Liang.), or
      ONE BOWL.

                               John). Make
                            sense, hippie!
                          Pennies contract
                         amidst the employ,
                        various strategies—aesthetic
                     practices—in order
                   to acquire symbolic capital—prestige—and
                power: more positive force in
           life. The world has some strange
    dynamic property (of a certain
  kind). Indeed, the power resulting from the

           people interested
             in poetry and
                poetics (other
                   than the usual
                          Southern narrative
                                    poetry [Stevens,
                                           ONE HUNDRED
                                                POEMS FROM
                                                 THE CHINESE.
                                                 trans. Kenneth
                                               Rexroth, ABC
                                            OF READING])

                     to it;
                       there's something
                     beyond our knowledge, yet
                  within, around: SELECTED POEMS,
              Ezra Pound, THE COMPLETE POEMS
         OF CHARLES BIG SUR, cataracts, dungareed
    dudes with digeridoos, values,
   every other muscle pure
  snowflake (that
  is prevalent
   in Atlanta).
      To get

                            Vol. 1 and
                          2. SELECTED
                         POEMS, Kenneth Patchen!
                        Perhaps such a thing
                     helps explain the necessity
                   for contact. The acquisition
                of symbolic capital is the very
           thing—and that's where the pastoral
    begins the satire that legitimizes
  the authority of critical interpretations

           and aesthetic
             judgments, generally
                to discuss
                   same, share
                          what they've
                                    written, work
                                           on some ocassional
                                                 works, and
                                                 try to get
                                               stuff published.
                                            Perhaps. (And

                     through the efficacy of institutional
                  cultural [the problem from the beginning]
              was that since the APG defined
         itself as a "group." It allowed for others
    EMERGENCY POEMS, Nicanor Parra,
   trans. Miller Williams.)
   is often
      used as

                                    a substitute
                               for that
                            contact, but
                          it (to assume
                         that we were grouping,
                        because we had a
                     shared: (1) private
                   language; (2) politic;
                (3) aesthetic approach, and;
           (4) careerist plan) NOW can't
    do that well... there IS no substitute.
  The "I" that the pun OctavIo Paz. trans.

           G. Aroul et
             al. SUN, v. 4.2.???
                I was not there
                   from the beginning
                          which offends,
                                    in case this
                                           ambiance is
                                                 spring (1975),
                                                 NEW POETRY
                                               OF MEXICO,
                                            selected with

                       by Octavio
                     Paz and others, ed. Mark Strand
                  (quite early one)—ain't such somonex
              clues us. It was decided somehow
         that this bunch-in on the big arrears,
    "Papa don't do the small phrase
   anymore," leaping leotards,
  batman (my piracy's
  now the
   mode) cushion

                                    airy and
                            fragility of
                          a mind on ACID
                         MORNING (Dylan Thomas), and
                        ONE HUNDRED MORE
                     POEMS FROM THE JAPANESE
                   OF PEOPLE, would call
                themselves something. When I
           met up with John and Randy all
    they told me was: "Offends... leaping
  over the desert highway... into technology

           and exchequer..."
             and that they,
                and a few other
                   people meet
                          weekly to talk
                                    about poetry,
                                           etc., and would
                                                I translate Kenneth
                                                 Rexroth? "IF
                                                 YOU WANT." To
                                               be interested
                                            in stopping

                     by? "There?"
                       Was the stetson
                     blood? Is restless my bod? "On
                  a zine haircut, beneath the cloying smile
              pill."  Seems I've pivots:
         "on" is relevant to a constant concern
    throughout the site: no agenda,
   no sales pitch, no 12
  step program—just
   is the

                                    that we
                               know": WHAT
                            WE ARE: A CARLOS
                          BULOSAN READER.
                         Ed. E. San Juan,
                        into, sort of, like
                     the idea for starting
                   the List Jr. ("HOME TO
           FICTION. ed. Sylvia Watanabe and
    Authority, in the form of the exp
  writing and literature [regarding identity]).

           "I"? Y? WHY
             THE SITE? I
                have authored
                   this site as
                          a byproduct
                                    of (I'm posting
                                           right now)
                                                a community
                                                 of discussion
                                                 I have had
                                               regarding the
                                            internet, Carol

                       TAKING TO WATER
                     POEMS, Roberta Spear, AMPLITUDE,
                  Tess Gallagher, where water forgotten
              my form again, rambling endlessly
         in this pissing christian vision, Tron
    for the babies and bacchanals
   leaping before programs,
  like St
      the most

                            design and
                          human gesture,
                         the pretensions
                        of proximity in
                     small presses and magazines,
                   and so on, success, web
                pages, and the actual distances
           constructed by them, and some resulting
    poetry (most of COMES TOGETHER
  WITH OTHER WATER, Raymond Carver, and mystery

           and detective
             novels by Sue
                Grafton, Elmore
                   Leonard, Marcia
                          Muller, and
                                    Robert People)
                                                in similar
                                                 ideas about/works
                                                 of poetry and
                                               poetics in

                                                re: SPRING AND ALL


                                                not as much
                                                on intrinsic abilities

                                                gifts (since

                                                aesthetic value
                                                is social

              not VAN GULIK: THE "JUDGE
         DEE" SERIES), short stories.  The discussions
    were this past summer and
   autumn through subsubpoetics
  (an e-mail
  list started
   by Jordan

                                    as to
                            or philosophical
                          ideas... Well,
                         those vary with
                        everyone (with Alan
                     Sondheim and two close
                   friends, one a writer,
                the other a designer). Some
           material from these dialogues can
    be found at another web site: the
  weather screen, using dem types of woids to

           muscle support.
             Is a natural,
                creation, as
                   on the extent
                          of the poet's
                                    cultural capital—that
                                           is, his or
                                                her sense of
                                                 the State of
                                                 the None
                                               have become
                                            our defining

                       for talking
                     about poetics, or writing by
                  Anne Beattie and Ethan Canin? William
              Carlos Williams: "If we have
         history gracelessly, the pedestrian
    surrenders difficult brilliances:
   the game as it being
  played _now_."
  It goes

                               that both
                            learned anything
                          as human beings.
                         These past poetry?
                        Nope, no real hook
                     ups with the instinctual
                   sham-o-meter, that any
                given night gives reason to
           pay the rent, that reason, lost
    pump fist over the castrates from
  behind the gleam,

           I am interested
             precisely in
                the type of
                          that web of
                                    armor defecated
                                           by choice republic
                                               —poets and
                                                 critics have,
                                               a certain self-interest
                                            in disinterestedness—that

                     is, a
                       stake: arts/music
                     scene in Atlanta, although
                  some of us know people who pages build
              between people. I have observed
         that this internet aesthetic, in a _belief_
    concerning the absolute or
   autonomous aesthetic
  value of it,
  are doing

                               (Hell, my
                            few generations?
                          It's that differences
                         make life interesting!)
                        Cyberpoetry! (These
                     thoughts fancy across
                   the water of talk, the
                vandal in work per se.) As for
           the term "conflict of values" which
    Stephen asked about last week,
  it would implicate, of only connection with

           the music scene
             here, is (I
                should be as
                   diverse as
                          our ecclectic
                                    tastes) these
                                           days we know,
                                                this relater,
                                                 is a duplicitous
                                                 one (getting
                                               back to the
                                            original definition

                     of art)
                      —got some
                     musician friends who have
                  toured with/partied, of course, various
              investments, it is possible
         to make re such issues as the nature
    of subjectivity (& its representation
   in poetry), the objective
  character of
   and its

                                    to the
                               world of
                            things? The
                         career blemishes
                        the tubeways suspiciously,
                     courageously, morphs
                   the museums where the
                more, about the esoteric rituals
           of a Yao shaman than with bands
    like the Black Crowes, but I discourse
  fairly—sucks, sucks, sucks discordant channels.

With texts by Jacques Debrot, Patrick Herron, Rebecca Weldon Sithiwong, Dana Lustig and many others. Originally appeared on Readme.

Posted by Brian Stefans at 11:01 AM

August 17, 2004

Reading at Birckbeck

Stephen Mooney recently sent me a CD of my reading at Birckbeck College this past May. Because it was my first reading ever in London, I pretty much did the entertaining stuff, a few pages from "The Screens," a handful of Roger Pellett poems in faux-English accent, and a crowd-favorite "Maxwell Howard Chickering," the first poem (after the Pellett sequence) in Angry Penguins. I haven't listened to all of these tracks myself since I hate the sound of my voice, but I think the recordings are pretty good because you get some audience chuckles in there -- it doesn't have that Cone of Silence feel you often get with poetry readings taped right from the speaker's microphone.


Track Information

Posted by Brian Stefans at 12:43 PM

August 12, 2004

I'm moving to Providence

Yep. I'd put my new address on this page but I don't want it to come up in search engines and whatnot, so if you want my address, please write me at bstefans at arras dot net. You know the routine. Just make sure your subject line isn't too, you know, spam-sounding, and if you don't think I'll know who you are, identify thine good self, like some character stumbling out of the fog in Shakespeare, so I don't poke ya.

Posted by Brian Stefans at 09:48 AM